Double Glazing Installer

Double Glazing Installer

Are you fed up with the noise outside, even when relaxing at home? If you want this struggle to end and have an energy efficient home, then double glazing windows are the perfect solution for you. There are a countless number of benefits of having double glazing windows installed in your home. In fact, these windows, also called uPVC windows, will make a huge difference in the functionality and comfort of your home. Double glazing windows will help you get the most of your home.

Installing Double Glazing Windows

If you want a smart investment, then we strongly suggest having double glazing windows installed. Installing double glazing windows in Leicester is one of the best decisions and one of the perfect home improvements you can make.

We can proudly say that we provide the highest quality double glazing windows in the area if you want to have an energy efficient home and keep the noise away. Installing our double glazing windows will provide an enhanced heat retention in winter and much cooler home in the summer.

We install windows which are made and manufactured specifically for your property and conform to the highest standards. The installation process is carried out by professional and experienced craftsmen who make installing double glazing windows hassle-free. Besides offering the greatest levels of performance, we install windows which provide an outstanding thermal insulation.

You can select the perfect window from the myriad of options, even the latest in UPVC window construction. We install your pick and guarantee you will get a cost-effective solution. Our windows come with a 10-year insurance backed guarantee. The double glazing windows we install are durable, severe weather tested, PAS011 approved, and require low maintenance.

What’s more, you get double glazing windows installed which are internally beaded that it’s impossible to remove the glass from the outside. Our expertise in installing and fitting double glazing windows will take your home at a higher level. With the enhanced insulation properties, you will enjoy a quiet and energy efficient home.

Hence, if you’ve selected the right double glazing window for your home and the installation process is all that remains, we have you covered.

Up Next we look at if all double glazing is the same.

Double Glazing: Is It All the Same

Double Glazing: Is It All the Same

So, you’ve decided to install double glazing to your property. However, the next question that comes to mind is whether all double glazing is the same and how to pick the right one. If there was no difference between double glazing, it would all cost the same. Thus, all double glazing isn’t the same. There are various aspects you have to consider which make a huge difference between different double glazing. As the best decisions depend on a good advice, we will show you the key differences between different double glazing you should know.

Differences Between Different Double Glazing


There is a huge difference between different double glazing when it comes to its lifespan. The longevity of double glazing depends on the quality of materials used. Hence, some double glazing might last up to 30 years while other might fail after 5 years. Likewise, if the window frame is made of uPVC, it is likely it will be more susceptible to ultraviolet degradation. Moreover, the installing process plays a major role in the durability of your double glazing. For instance, if not installed properly, the double glazing will have a much shorter lifespan.

Energy Efficiency

You probably know that double glazing is an extremely energy efficient method. However, if of poor quality and failed to be installed properly, it won’t be so energy efficient as expected. In fact, it can be a difference of over £500 a year when it comes to finances.


As a key feature of double glazing, security can differ between different double glazing. It’s extremely important to install double glazing which is resistant to forced entry. Hence, installing proper and good quality double glazing will prevent any unwanted person from entering your home. On the other hand, some double glazing might not offer any resistance at all.   


The double glazing you are installing has to be weather resistant and protect your home from wind, water, and heat. Some double glazing windows can resist the equivalent of a gale whereas others are able to resist only low levels of wind pressure.

You Won’t Have to Worry About These Differences If You Hire Us

Our team of experts has a task to make a proper selection of the perfect double glazing considering different aspects. The double glazing we install is tested in independent laboratories. We test different double glazing for security, durability, energy rating, and weather resistance classification. Therefore, the double glazing we install is top-notch quality and meets all the requirements.

Up next we look at when the best time to replace or repair your double glazing is.

Double Glazing Replacement and Repairs

Double Glazing Replacement and Repairs

Do you think that the time for double glazing replacement and repairs has come? Having old double glazing can lower the energy efficiency and the value of your home. However, how can you know when it’s the perfect time to replace double glazing and how much it will cost? Keep reading to find out more if you’ve considered replacing or repairing your double glazing.

How to Know When is the Time for Double Glazing Replacement and Repairs

There are various instances when it’s obvious that your double glazing needs replacement. Sometimes, all you will need to do are some small repairs which are far cheaper. These are the reasons when you must consider replacement:

  • If the glass is damaged, you will have to replace it. The good thing is that you can keep the frames and only add new glass for which you won’t have to break the bank.
  • Sometimes, even the frames can be damaged. In this case, you will have to replace both the frames and the glass. You will notice that a frame is damaged if it’s rotting, discoloured, broken, or warping.
  • If the sashes are broken, you can replace them without touching the double glazing.
  • In case you experience condensation or fogging between the panes, you will have to replace your double glazing.

The Durability of Double Glazing

Although the average lifespan of double glazing is 10-35 years, it doesn’t mean that it will actually last so long. The longevity of double glazing depends on various factors, such as quality of materials and installation, and the location where your windows are placed. Moreover, if you maintain properly and constantly your windows, you will prolong their life. You might expect to face problems with the seals as they are the first to show issues. What’s more, if you have wood or composite windows, you will have to paint them every 2-5 years.

The Cost of Double Glazing Replacement

How much you will pay for replacing your old double glazing depends on various factors, including your location, the size, and what you need to be replaced. Hence, expect to pay between £300 and £1,500 for new glazing and frames. Another factor which affects the cost is your double glazing installer. However, you should always check the warranty because if your double glazing is still under warranty, you might not have to pay for replacement or repairs.

Top Benefits of Double Glazing Replacement

There are numerous benefits you’re likely to enjoy as soon as you replace your double glazing. Hence, you can expect to save money as your home will be energy efficient with new double glazing, less noise from the outside due to better insulating properties, new styles and materials used in new double glazing, and added value to your home if you ever decide to sell it.

How Does Double Glazing Work

How Does Double Glazing Work

If you’re a homeowner, you must be looking for ways to improve the energy efficiency of your property. An energy efficient home means that your electricity bills and carbon footprint will be lower while the value of your house will be increased. One of the top improvements you can make is choosing to install double glazing. This is so because double glazing:

  • prevents draughts through both the window and the frame;
  • has insulating properties;
  • stops heat loss;

However, if you know little about double glazing and you don’t know how it works, you’ve come to the right place. As we offer installing double glazing, our job is to explain how it works and why double glazing is the best option for your property.

How Does Double Glazing Work?

First and foremost, you should know that the windows in your property are the weakest point. However, installing double glazing means that you will eliminate those weak points. Double glazing windows have two panes, one on the inside, one on the outside and an air gap in the centre. This air gap, also known as a tight air pocket, is a poor conductor and thus, it prevents heat from entering your house in summer and reduces heat loss in winter. The air between the cavity is filled with an inert gas like argon. Argon is one of the most effective insulators there are. You can pick whether you want uPVC or aluminium frames on your double glazing windows and both of these options are great and durable.

The Effectiveness of Double Glazing

Now when you know how double glazing works, before you decide to install them, you must be wondering whether it’s a really such an effective option. Investing into double glazing is probably one of the best decisions you can make. As soon as you decide to install double glazing, these are the things you can expect happening:

  • Your energy bills will be reduced. In fact, you can expect to save up to £80-£110 for a semi-detached house, per year.
  • The value of your property will rise as everyone looking for a new home are very interested in energy efficient homes.
  • Your home will be more safe and secure. Let’s face it, it’s much more challenging to smash two panes than one.
  • Double glazing doesn’t only reduce heat loss but also the external unwanted sounds.

Reasons to Leave Double Glazing Installation to Experts

Reasons to Leave Double Glazing Installation to Experts

The internet has been abuzz with a countless number of DIY videos about different things. Thus, many people become a DIY enthusiast and try to do and install everything by themselves. What’s more, some of them even opt to undertake double glazing installation in their hands. Sounds weird? Believe us, we’ve seen it all. Besides the fact that a homeowner can even save up to 80% of the installation process if he carries out the installation himself, it’s extremely risky to do so. What’s more, it can cost you twice as much because double glazing is no like any other window.      

Reasons to Hire Experts for Double Glazing Installation                 

Trying to cut down costs can be truly risky when it comes to double glazing installation. These are some of the top reasons which should convince you to hire experts when it comes to double glazing installation.                                                    

  • DIY Installation often asks for repair, even sometimes for an entirely replace. This is what happens when you try to install the windows yourself with the aim to save money. As this isn’t an easy process, it requires experience and knowledge to carry it out.
  • Even a tiny hole you make when trying to install double glazing on your own can cost you much because the energy efficiency will be decreased and your bills increased.
  • If the job you did was poor, you might experience excessive condensation. This shows that something is wrong with the window seals. As a result, you will have to replace the whole window.
  • You have probably installed double glazing to reduce the outside noise. However, when not installed by the professional installer, double glazing might not seal and close properly. As a result, you will experience poor insulation properties.
  • You won’t experience any long-term benefits and saving is there was a poor craftsmanship in the installation process.          

These are all the unwanted things which you might experience if you go the DIY route. However, you might also face these issues if you pick the cheapest service available.

How to Avoid Additional Double Glazing Repairs and Replacements

The answer to this question is quite simple! All you have to do is hire a professional and reputable double glazing installing company. So, always pick an installer who stands behind their service and offers a warranty. Hiring a genuine company to do the double glazing installation process will save you any trouble, stress and unwanted costs.

So, unless you work in a reputable installing company, it’s best to leave double glazing installation to experts! Don’t forget to ask these 7 questions when you do.                                       

Top 7 Questions You Must Ask Your Installer Before Buying Double Glazing

Top 7 Questions You Must Ask Your Installer Before Buying Double Glazing

Thinking about embarking on buying double glazing? Before you pay for your new double glazing, you need to know all the facts and do in-depth research. After finding a suitable company which will carry out the installing process, it’s important you ask them various questions. These are some of the questions a good, genuine and reputable installer would be happy to answer.                                                                   

1. What Energy Ratings Do Your Double Glazing Provide?

The BFRC (British Fenestration Ratings Council) is a system for all windows which shows their thermal performance. The highest performing windows for energy efficiency are rated A, while the lowest ones are rated G. So, if you want double glazing which provides a good insulation and energy efficiency, then ask your installer about the energy rating of their products.   

2. Can You Provide Any Accreditations?

The accreditations your installer has can help you access the reputation of a double glazing installer. Each double glazing installer is tested on their work and thus, accreditations are considered to be prestigious. Thus, ask your installer if they have FENSA, Planitherm or the BFRC.                                     

3. How Much Experience Do You Have?

This is another important question as the experience of your installer in the field shows how skilled they are. The years of experience will demonstrate how much quality and professionalism you can expect.

4. How Long Will the Installation Process Take?

It’s very important you ask this question as you know how tiring it can be having someone around your home working. Knowing how much it will take will allow you to be away from home and pick the perfect time for you when the installation will happen.

5. How Much Will I Pay?

It must seem obvious that you’re going to ask this question, but our job is to remind you. Asking how much the product and the installation will cost will give you an idea of how much you will have to pay. Plus, you will eliminate any unwanted surprises after the work is done.                        

6. Do You Provide an Insurance Backed Guarantee?

Each and every double glazing installer is legally required to provide an Insurance Backed Guarantee which will protect both parties. What’s more, you will have a 10-year guarantee on your double glazing. If the installer you picked doesn’t provide such document, don’t use its service!              

7. Do You Have an Environmental Policy?

This is another important aspect to consider, no matter whether you’re an eco-nazi or not. It’s crucial to know how your installer disposes of your old frames. By recycling the old frames, we help to conserve the environment. So, always opt for a socially responsible double glazing installer.

Up Next is the top tips when hiring a double glazing installer.

Top Tips to Consider When Choosing Double Glazing Installer

Top Tips to Consider When Choosing Double Glazing Installer

Choosing the right double glazing installer can be an arduous task, especially because there are a number of companies in the UK which offer this service. However, many companies which are double glazing installers, can disappoint you and offer a low-quality assistance. So, getting the right deal can seem almost next to impossible to achieve. Thus, we decided to share some of the most important and helpful tips which will help you pick the right double glazing installer in the UK. So, if you don’t know whom to trust, keep reading.

How to Pick the Best Double Glazing Installer

Use Only Professional Installers

Installing and fitting double glazing windows and doors is not an easy task, especially if you’re looking for high-quality. Although there are many DIY enthusiasts who promise a top-notch service, you should always entrust this task only to professionals. Hence, it’s better to pay for a professional to do it properly and correctly. Each professional installer will be more than happy to be liable if something goes wrong.

Never Opt for the Big Boys 

Choosing the big boys means that you will pay the installing much more. Although they are extremely good at what they do, they charge much more. So, look for a local window installer which will also do an excellent quality job but cost less. However, when selecting a local window installer, bear in mind the following criteria:

  • give a chance to new companies;
  • pick a business who has more than 10 years of experience;
  • ask for customers experience and references;
  • make sure the installing company is either FENSA or CERTASS certified;

Don’t Pay the Whole Sum in Advance

Even though the company will try to get as much deposit as possible, you shouldn’t give more than a 30% deposit. If they are pushing, don’t give up. In this way, you will make sure they will finish the job on time.      

Pick Wisely

It’s very important not to go with the first double glazing installer that you discover. Instead, consider various options and weigh the pros and cons of each of them. Then, finally pick the one it seems fit for the job.           

Are You Looking for the Right Double Glazing Installer

If you’re looking for the perfect installer and having a hard time to decide, we suggest having a look at your company. We stand out in the crowd and we can boast with extensive experience in installing double glazing, as well as, unbeatable attention to details. We work according to your orders and we never walk away from an issue. By choosing our services, you get a company which offers top-notch quality and never overlooks anything.

Up next find out the average cost of double glazing.

The Average Cost of Double Glazing for Your Home

The Average Cost of Double Glazing for Your Home

Are you considering installing double glazing to your property, but you don’t know how much it will cost? This is one of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to double glazing. So, we decided to compose an article to summarize the average cost of double glazing, as well as the savings you get when installing double glazing windows and doors.

Double glazing windows and doors have two panes of glass which has a layer of gas sealed between them. So, double glazing is great for boosting the energy efficiency of your home and reducing the energy you need to heat it.

How Much Will Installing Double Glazing Cost Me?

There are various factors and aspects which determine the price of the double glazing you’re going to install. Some of the things double glazing installers take into account are the size and style of your property as well as the number of windows and doors you need. However, when looking for the average cost, you can expect to pay between £300 and £400 for a single uPVC window. So, that means that you’ll pay between £3,000 and £5,000 for a three-bedroom house.

How Much Will I Save with Double Glazing?

If you’re looking for ways to reduce your energy bill, then double glazing would be the perfect solution. Double glazing will significantly reduce the amount of money you pay for electricity. For instance, your annual savings will be about £120 in a semi-detached house, £175 in a detached house and £65 in a flat. As it’s expected that the energy bill will rise up to 50% over the next six years, installing double glazing sounds like a great value for money.

Can I Get Free Double Glazing?

UK government set up a policy initiative to help people who are looking for ways to improve their home. Anyone can apply to this initiative and it works so that it gives loans to people who want to install double glazing. The loan is paid off with the money you will save on your energy bills. So, even if you aren’t financially ready to install double glazing, you can still do it. If you decide on this option, there are several things to bear in mind:

  • Installing double glazing won’t cost you more than the savings you are making on your energy bills. So, the provider of your double glazing gets repayments over time.
  • In order to qualify for this initiative, it’s required that you have an assessment of your home. For this service, you’ll have to pay about £120.
  • What’s so great about this initiative is that the loan is attached only to your home. So, when you move house, the next owner will have to pay off the loan.
Next we take a look at the benefits of double glazing.

Benefits of Double Glazing in the Summer​

Benefits of Double Glazing in the Summer

Having poor quality windows and doors in the summer can literally feel like hell. When there is a hot spell, it’s extremely important to have good windows and doors which top-notch glass which will keep the heat outside and retain your property cold. That’s when double glazing comes in handy. Installing double glazing comes with a myriad of benefits and advantages. Today, we decided to list the most prominent benefits of installing double glazing, especially the ones you’ll enjoy during the summertime.

Two panes of glass are undoubtedly better than one pane and double glazing comes with more insulating properties. So, if you want to keep your home cool and sleep like a baby at night, even when scorching hot outside, opt for double glazing.

Benefits of Double Glazing in the Summer

Keeps the Outside Noise at Bay

When summer comes, most of people and children spend their days outside. Hence, it can get really noisy, especially late in the day. If you don’t want to hear your neighbours talking or the children playing outside, then double glazing is the perfect solution for you. Installing double glazing offers an exceptional sound insulation which will keep the summer noise away and you can enjoy a quiet and peaceful home.

Controls the Temperature Inside Your Home

In the winter, all you want is to keep the heat inside your home and prevent it from escaping. Just like that, you want to have a cool house during the summer. Double glazing doesn’t let the heat transfer from one side to the other and that’s why it’s great all year round.

Increases Security

Even though this is a benefit which can be felt during the whole year, the safety and security of your home are crucial to mention as benefits here. The double glazing glass is extremely tough, isn’t easy to break, and will prevent any unwanted person from entering your house. Hence, simply by using our service to install double glazing, you will never be a victim to a criminal.

Protects the Inside of Your Home from UV Damage

Although most of us enjoy those summer sun rays coming through the window, these seemingly hazard-free sunlight can actually damage your furniture. Thus, if you opt for double glazing, you will protect the inside of your home from the dangerous UV damage. Double glazing minimizes UV rays and keeps your furniture like new.

Other Ways to Keep Your Home Cool During Summer

As we already mentioned, installing double glazing is one of the best methods to keep your house cool during the sunny season. However, there are also additional things you can do to keep your home even cooler. So, in addition to installing double glazing, make sure you also close the curtains and blinds during the day or get shutters for your windows.

Up next we look at the benefits of hiring a double glazing installer